Me Is We


A New Paradigm

At Me Is We, we believe that each person who joins our community is a divine light, with unlimited potential just waiting to be actualized. Every decision we make, every program we offer, and every conversation we have, is rooted in that belief. We believe that we are all connected and by raising up and supporting our most downtrodden, we can affect the future of humanity and our planet.

Our vision is to create a conscious community with a ‘tribe’ or ‘village’ structure, organized around shared purpose and values, generating holistic systems that benefit every member of the community. We believe that the cycles of poverty and generational trauma are a result of poor design, and infrastructure.  What if we designed our lives and systems to mirror nature and thriving ecosystems, using principles of biomimicry to create structures that heal, (re)generate, and sustain life? What if we did all this in a way that uses resources and energy synergistically, like mother nature?


In designing and developing the Me Is We Community Village, we intend to do just that!

The cornerstones of our project revolve around Regeneration as opposed to just Sustainability: environmental protection, and incorporating sustainable models into every aspect of the village, as well as. We want to create systems that provide for themselves while providing for the children and families who live in the village.

Using a participatory nature-centered design process, we will design our community spaces using principles of biomimicry and biophilia, with earth-based sustainable and healthy materials. This village will be built on a foundation of compassion, connection and health, to foster a holistic container for healing and self-actualization, creating more than just a community, but a new type of family unit!

Our community will be regenerative in all aspects. Our residents will practice and pursue a sustainable way of life, modeling this and teaching new members and visitors how to live in a deep relationship with the land and each other.

The majority of our food will be sourced from the permaculture gardens and island ecosystem, using the practices of agroforestry and indigenous forest farming methods. Eighty percent of the ecology will be preserved and held in perpetuity in a community land trust to be stewarded and enjoyed by the generations to come.

The Me is We Community Village will have 4 core pillars of infrastructure


  • Zero Waste Infrastructure
  • Permaculture Farm & Agroforestry
  • Voluntourism
  • Wellness Center & Apothecary
  • Community Programming
  • Community Kitchen
  • Social Purpose Business Community
  • Innovation & Coworking Center
  • Ceremonial  & Community Center


“It takes a village to raise a child.”

  • Integrative & Immersive Experiential Learning Programs
  • Communal Living
  • Life-Skill Development
  • Self-Discovery Support
  • Dharma Discovery & Activation
  • Trauma Healing
  • Communication Skills


  • Sustainable Social Enterprise
  • Certified B Corp
  • Full-Service Event & Retreat Facilities
  • Zero-waste Luxury Hospitality
  • Organic Scratch Kitchen
  • Built with Natural Materials & Sacred Geometry


  • Multigenerational & Cross-Cultural Learning
  • Cross-Cultural Learning
  • Multifaceted & Multi-level Educational Programming
  • Life Skills
  • Survival Skills
  • Technical/Trade Skills
  • Cultural Studies
  • Social & Communication Skills
  • Business Skills
  • Youth Campus


  • Mentorship
  • Workshops, Training & Events
  • Resource Sharing
  • Communal Craft & Maker’s Space
  • Media Lab
  • Performing Art Center
  • Commercial Kitchen
  • Strategic Business Partnerships
  • Empowering Entrepreneurs, makers, crafters, and innovators of all kinds to manifest their dharma.

Support Our Project

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children. History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

-Nelson Mandela

en English